Friday, April 20, 2012

spin, spin....spin the black circle

Last weekend I added 'record seller' to my list of accomplishments.  Me and a buddy rented a table at the local record convention and sold our wares.

Croatian Cultural Centre, April 15, 2012

Great day, lots of fun, but I'll be the first to admit that I wasn't in same league as the rest of the sellers.  I was just trying to make a little scratch by selling off some vinyl I don't need and a bunch of CD's I never listen to anymore.  Still, I made enough to pay for the table and have some extra.  All in all fine by me. It was more about hanging out and talking to other collectors.  Seeing what other people were buying or looking for.  I resisted the urge to go and spend the profits at tables, this was more about taking baby steps into another world.  I'll admit I was intrigued but also a little worried.  Worried because what I was hearing from some of the other vendors was disturbing.  Basically almost all of them said sales were slow, turnout was low, and the people who were buying were buying the cheaper records.  Others said that they brought stuff that they thought would sell, but no one was interested.  Now this goes against what I'm reading everywhere that say's record sales are going up.  Maybe the rise of vinyl is not going as fast as some would hope.  But then again, I'm at a record convention not a store.

Ahhh enough with the morbid talk!!  I had a blast, talked to a lot of great people, sold a little, and saw a lot of younger people out which makes me believe everything is on the right track.  It will all sort itself out.

Oh, and I couldn't help myself.

I had to buy something right!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Life's what happens when you're making other plans.

Seems like forever since I've posted.  Well not 'seems', it has been.  I apologize to my blog for my neglect.  Been busy with life lately but thought this was worth a post.  A recent article on techdirt talked about re-mixing.  Seems like the lines between inspiration and straight up borrowing have been blurred for a long time.

Here is a link to the article: Michael Jackson, Pirate Remixer

Now the bullet points to the article are:
1) Mike admitted to Darryl Hall that he copped a bass line from him for 'Billie Jean' and hoped Darryl didn't mind.
2) Hall didn't mind because he lifted the bass line from another song.
3) Quincy, the song's producer, hated the bass line but Mike insisted they keep it.
4) History ensued.

In my opinion this is inspiration pure and simple.  Case closed.  But if you listen to the 2 songs in today's climate, you would probably have a team of rats lawyers telling you that its theft.  So which is it?