Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Mad Dogs and MTV

Maybe The Buggles were right.  Me and a buddy of mine were watching a youtube video of some old concert footage and he mentioned that 'this kind of stuff wouldn't fly anymore' and it got me thinking.  Videos not only 'killed the radio star' they also changed music for the worst.  It was the start of a slippery slide to where we are now, manufactured music.  Stuff created in studios with producers and labels that are more concerned with how things look than any sort of musicianship.  Case in point:

We used to have this.

Now we have this.

Now don't get me wrong, I like Duran Duran, but the progression that MTV created started it off.  Now we have the Kei$ha's and Gaga's of the world, that may or may not have talent, dominating things.  Back in the day showmanship meant something, but it took a backseat for the most part.  The music was in the forefront where it should be.  

Now there are plenty of examples of exceptions to the previous statement, but watch this and tell me if this would make it into the rotation of what is left of video stations.


  1. It's sad to say that MTV has become the huge bore that it is. Bands like Joe Cocker and his Mad Dogs & Englishmen don't exist anymore. I recently saw Joe at the Caesar's Casino in Windsor and at 74 he still has that same vocal range. He still has "The Scream" and he still jumps into the air at the end of his songs. I kept thinking, "Stop doing that Joe - You're going to break a hip!" Leon Russell looks good in this video. I've seen him look and perform worse. And I think Chris Stainton is up there too. I always liked the Grease Band. Saw Joe with the Grease Band many times in Detroit in the late ' 60's early ' 70's. A collection without Joe Cocker is no collection at all.

  2. Thanks for the comment Robert. It's great to hear Joe's still got it. Since this post I've managed to pick up a Leon Russell album and I'll be adding more of Joe's stuff soon.
