Saturday, June 18, 2011

Recent Hair Metal Finds

Went on a 80's Hair Metal Search recently.  Here's what I got.

Been looking for this for a while now.  Finally got it a Apollo at a decent price.  I had mentioned in an earlier post that it was one of my purchases one Xmas in Edmonton.  It's probably one of my faves from back then.  Round and Round, Lack of Communication, You're In Trouble, all classics.  For some reason I always loved the way 'Lack' started, all spontaneous sounding.  In hindsight its probably planned but whatever.

What can I say, I'm a sucker for 80's metal.  These guys had a few good albums in the late 80's early 90's but it's this one, their debut, that I like the best.  Tom Kieffer had this weird raspy voice that really worked perfectly with the music.

Ah yes, more 80's metal goodness.  'Seventeen', gotta love it.  Kip Winger, leader and bass player, cut his teeth working for Alice Cooper before forming Winger with Reb Beach.

Now the next question is what song to post?  Each album has its own gems, so what's it gonna be?

Lack of Communication.  That'll work.  Do yourself a favour and check the other albums out as well.

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