Saturday, April 9, 2011

Dance The Night Away Part Deux

Today I have the great honour of conducting a fictitious interview with founder and lead guitarist from Van Halen, Edward Van Halen.

me: Thanks Eddie for talking to me about Sammy's new book.  He says he didn't pull any punches when it comes to his time in Van Halen.

eddie: No problem, I haven't read it yet but I'm sure he's telling the truth.  As he remembers it anyway.

me:  Before we talk about the book, have you heard Santana's cover of Dance The Night Away?

eddie:  No but I love Carlos' stuff.  I was listening to Abraxas just the other day.

me:  Want to have a quick listen before we start?

eddie: Sure

< play song for Eddie >

< song ends >

me: What you think?

eddie: Sorry man, I must have fell asleep 'cause I just had a terrible nightmare.  I dreamt that Carlos trashed the song with his noodling and he had that dude from Train singing!

me:  No nightmare my man, that's the track.

eddie:  Don't ever call me again!

< hangs up>

Great!  Thanks Carlos, I don't think Eddie will ever do a fictitious interview with me again.  And I didn't even get to fake ask him about Sammy's book.  Damn You Carlos!!

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